Research suggests that almost 50% of all content on the internet is related to porn. That’s a huge number. Well, we are doing our best to contribute to that number. With such a huge volume of content, there are bound to be numerous interesting facts about porn which people don’t know. Let’s see some of them:
- Male Chastity
While it is a loved fetish by many people, not a lot of people know about this. Male chastity is a concept of a man being dominated by a stronger woman. How is it different from femdom? Well, there is no violence involved. This fetish requires a man to not orgasm during sex. And the control over his climax is in the hands of his partner. After a few days of doing so, the man gets an irresistible urge to finish the job, making him go harder. This heightens his own experience as well the experience of his partner. This is a very popular fetish for people who practice No Nut November.
- You are not alone
While the act of watching porn is usually associated with being single or lonely, it will comfort you to know that at any given moment, there are almost 30 million people watching porn across the world. While each one of them may or may not be lonely personally, the will to masturbate brings all of them together. Many porn sites even have a feature where you can see how many people are watching the same video at that moment. While we don’t know whether that’s supposed to be comforting or creepy, you can still check it out.
- The Correct Preferences
While men have battled for centuries over boobs and asses, and one’s superiority over the other, a study has revealed something else altogether. While the size of the boobs or the ass may determine our searches, when watching porn, researchers found that the main focus of men was on the face of the woman. More specifically, her eyes and lips. While most men didn’t realize this and hence, didn’t have an explanation for this, the researches have speculated that looking at their faces helped the men to know whether the women were genuinely turned on or not.
- The Presidency and Testosterone
No, we aren’t suggesting that the President should always be like a jock named Chad. Since porn statistics became a thing, it was noticed that the Republican states experienced a surge in viewing porn in 2004 when President Bush won. Similarly, in 2008, when President Obama won, the Democratic States experienced a similar surge. This has been linked to a rise in the amounts of testosterone when someone wins. And we thought the losing party would turn to porn to jack off their sorrows.
Who knew the presidential elections would have an effect on the viewership of porn, or that men focused on the face of the women rather than their boobs? But this is why these articles are so interesting. We have as much fun making them as you have while reading them. We hope to bring you more such articles in the future. Keep looking.